During those 37 years, I served in many different positions at the local hospital, Columbia Memorial Hospital. Without regard to chronology, I served as Attending Physician for 37 years, president of the medical staff for 4 years, a member of the Board of Directors for 15 years, as Chair of the Quality Management Committee for 8 years, and as Chair and founder of the Ethics committee for over 25 years. During that time I became board certified in Palliative Medicine and served for several years as Hospice Medical Director for the regional Hospice program.
To fulfill these positions well, I learned new skills from many graduate and CME courses. Some of these were seminars on leadership and governance for my position on the Board of Directors and a president of the medical staff. I attended many seminars in Hospice care and Palliative care including the train the trainer seminars for the EPEC Program,( Education for Physicians on End-of-Life Care financed and promoted by the American Medical Association. I attended the Intensive Bioethics Course at The Kennedy Institute of Ethics , Georgetown University in Washington, DC in 1994 and the Advanced Bioethics Course in 1995. Through the combined program at Union University in Schenectady, NY and Albany Medical College, I acquired my Master’s Degree of Science in Bioethics in 2004.
EPEC trainer
Hospice Medical Director, Palliative Medicine
25 years, New York Academy of Family Medicine.
Member of the American Society of Bioethics & Humanities
Degrees: BA, MD, MSbe